recette marmelade citron

Lemon Marmalade

Dear foodies,

What better way to give this back to school a boost than a gourmet and refreshing recipe with lemon

Just tested, I share with you the recipe of:

Lemon Marmalade


.500g lemons, peeled, seeded and cut into pieces

.500g of jam sugar or classic white sugar


Preparation of your Marmalade: 

1/ In a bowl, mix the lemons and sugar.

2/ Put in a saucepan and cook for about twenty minutes over low heat.

Meanwhile, put a small spoon in the refrigerator (it will be used to test the gelling)

After about twenty minutes, take the spoon out of the fridge and dip it in the marmalade. The marmalade is ready if it does not run from the teaspoon. If this is not the case, you can cook again for ten minutes.

3/ When the marmalade is cooked, pour it into the jam jars. Close the jars and turn them upside down to release the air. Wait for the jars to cool down to put them back in place.



dorer fonds de tarte

How can I have a nice color on my pie shells?

Today, a little trick to always have pretty golden tart shells.

dorure fond de tarte

You need:

.1 egg yolk

.3 spoons of whipped cream


1/ First, heat your pie shells for 12 minutes at 360F.

Take them out of the oven and cool them on a wire rack.


2/ Meanwhile, mix 1 egg yolk with 3 tablespoons of whipped cream.

3/ Unmold the pie shells and, using a brush, brush the outside. Return to the oven until you reach the desired color (approx. 10-15 minutes).


see you soon,


To always have the recipe on hand, pin it on your boards Pinterest .

pate feuilletee rapide et facile

THE EASY recipe for Puff Pastry!

Dear foodies,

We start this month of January with a very simple and quick recipe to make for Puff Pastry.

Yes yes. You read correctly. You can make this puff pastry in 15 minutes! So let's go.


For 500g of Puff Pastry, you need:

.240g of cold butter in bug cubes

.200g flour

.3g salt

.90ml of cold water


Preparing your puff pastry quick and easy:


1/ Put the bowl of your robot and the sheet (your robot's leaf-shaped tool) in the freezer for 15 minutes.

2/ In the bowl of your robot, put all the ingredients and mix for 1 minute.

3/ Form a rectangle of dough. The best is to let your dough rest for 15 minutes in the refrigerator before starting to lower it *.

4/ Fleurer * your work surface and roll out your dough into a rectangle about 45cm long and 15cm wide.

5/ Make your first round simple: fold over 1/3 of your dough (start at the top) then close by bringing the bottom of your dough. Turn your rectangle of dough 1/4 to the right. You have just completed your first simple trick.

6/ Flour the work surface and do this step again 4 times (no need for rest time).

7/ At the end of your 5 simple rounds, you can use your puff pastry right away or put it in the refrigerator until use.

feuilletage rapide

To always have the Quick and Easy Puff Pastry Recipe, pin it on your boards Pinterest.

pate feuilletee rapide et facile

So that I can see your creations and share them, don't forget to put #amoureusedunetarteaucitron in your posts.


Crédits photos : @amoureusedunetarteaucitron et Stocklib

recette de la ganache montee chocolat blanc et vanille

White Chocolate Ganache with Vanilla

This whipped ganache recipe is very simple and quick to make.

It is better to do it the day before.

For one Tart: 

.100g white chocolate(I use chocolate Callebaut)

.100g warmed whipped cream + 100g cold whipped cream

.2g gelatin

.1 vanilla bean from Sacré Français 

recette de la ganache montee chocolat blanc et vanille

Preparation of your Ganache:

1/ Heat the cream with your vanilla pod cut in half lengthwise. Before boiling, turn off the heat, cover and let infuse for a minimum of 15 minutes. Remove the pod.

2/ Return to the heat, add the gelatin and pour the mixture, little by little, over your white chocolate.

3/ Pour in the cold cream, mix and set aside in the fridge.

4/ The next day, in a very cold tank, beat your Ganache with a mixer.


To always have the recipe for La Ganache Montée white chocolate vanilla at hand,

pin it to your Pinterest boards 😉

I love finding your achievements, don't forget to put #amoureusedunetareaucitron on your posts.

Lemon Glaze

A new glaze recipe for your desserts, Yule logs or pies: lemon mirror glaze!

Lemon Glaze Mirror !


For 500g of lemon icing (you can freeze any excess icing. It can be stored in the freezer for up to 4 months):

.75g of water

.11g of gelatin

.150g of sugar

.150g of glucose or honey

.150g white chocolate

.100g condensed milk

.natural food color

a- In a saucepan, boil the water, sugar, glucose. Turn off the heat and stir in the gelatin

b- Add the white chocolate and coloring and mix for 2 minutes

c- Add the condensed milk, mix again and sift.

Store the glaze in the fridge. When using it, heat it in a bain-marie (about 30°) and use it on your dessert just unmolded. Do not be afraid of hot-cold contact. Your dessert will not melt 😉

glaçage miroir chocolat

Chocolate Mirror Glaze

Miroir, mon beau miroir….


Vous pouvez utiliser cette recette de glaçage miroir au chocolat aussi bien pour vos tartes que pour vos Bûches de Noël.

Le glaçage que vous aurez en plus, congelez-le ! Il se garde 3-4 mois sans problème. Le jour où vous souhaiterez l’utiliser, faites-le réchauffer au bain-marie*. Utilisez-le quand il est à une température d’environ 35 degrés.



Pour 500g de glaçage miroir, il vous faut :

.120g d’eau

.100g de crème

.220g de sucre

.80g de cacao en poudre

.8g de gélatine


1/ Dans une casserole, faites bouillir l’eau, la crème et le sucre.

2/ Hors du feu, ajoutez la gélatine et le cacao en poudre. Mixez.

3/ Chinoisez*.

4/ Réservez.


ganache cremeuse au chocolat

Creamy Chocolate Ganache

Cette ganache crémeuse est à utiliser avec vos tartes ou alors à déguster à la petite cuillère 😉


For a tart for 6-8 servings: 

.165g of milk

.2 yolks

.30g of sugar

.80g of black chocolate


Preparation of your Ganache: 

1/ Blanchir (mix)* the egg yolks with the sugar.

2/ Boil the milk and pour half over the yolk-sugar mixture.

3/ Mix then return to medium heat. Continue to stir with the spatula until the cream coats your spoon (181-182F)

4/ Pour over the chocolate in chinoisant (sift)*.

5/ Mix and keep cool. Cover with cling film (laying it directly on the ganache to prevent a small crust from forming).

French Meringue

And here is the third Meringue recipe. ! After the Melting Swiss meringue , the Italian Meringue that you find on cakes and pies, like our famous Lemon Meringue Tart , here is the French Meringue .


For about fifteen Meringues:

.150g egg whites

.125g white sugar


1 / In the bowl of your robot, put all the white and 1/3 of sugar then beat fast power. When the mixture turns white, add the second third. Then the third.

2 / Your Meringue is ready when you get the famous bird's beak .

3 / Poach your meringues on a sheet of baking paper or Silpat then direction the hot oven for 2h at 257F


To always have on hand your French Meringue recipe , pin it on your boards Pinterest !


Share your photos with #amoureusedunetarteaucitron so that I can see your achievements


The Sponge cake recipe is essential for desserts, cakes… Make no mistake, despite its easy appearance, the Sponge cake requires patience and a good hand.

For a 24cm diameter circle (8 people), you will need:

.200g eggs

.125g sugar

.125g flour

How to bake my sponge cake?

1/ Preheat the oven 360F.

2/ In a bowl, put the eggs and the sugar. Prepare a bain-marie (be careful, the bottom of your bowl must not touch the water in the pan. Only steam is used). When the water begins to simmer, put in your bowl and start mixing, incorporating as much air as possible. Continue mixing until it reaches 50 degrees (122F)

3/ When the mixture reaches 50 degrees, transfer it to the tank of a robot, maximum power, until completely cooled (approx. 10 minutes).

4/ Meanwhile, sift your flour. Incorporate your flour in several batches, mixing very gently with a spatula.

5/ Put in a mold then go to the oven for about 25 minutes.

6/ Leave your genoise to cool on a wire rack.

Swiss Meringue


À la maison, on adore les Meringues mais surtout quant elles sont fondantes avec une petite note de citron jaune ou citron vert. Voici la Recette des Meringues Suisses.

L’avantage de cette recette, c’est que vous n’avez pas besoin d’attendre plus d’une heure avant de pouvoir croquer dans vos Meringues. En 30 minutes, tout est prêt !


You need: :

.90g de blancs d’oeufs

.90g de sucre en poudre

.90g de sucre glace

.zestes d’un citron jaune ou vert

recette meringue française fondante par amoureuse d'une tarte au citron
n’hésitez pas à jouer avec les formes quand vous poches vos meringues

Préparation de vos Meringues :

1/ Dans la cuve de votre robot, mettre vos blancs d’oeufs avec 1/3 de sucre en poudre et mettre à puissance rapide.

2/ Lorsque votre mélange devient blanc, ajouter le deuxième tiers. Attendre un peu, puis terminer avec le dernier tiers.

3/ Quand votre mélange est bien ferme, ajouter à l’aide d’une maryse votre sucre glace en 3 fois. Mélanger délicatement puis ajouter les zestes de citron.

4/ Former vos meringues sur une feuille de paper sulfurisée ou bien un Silpat.

5/ Mettre dans le four chaud à 160′ pendant 30 minutes environ (tout dépendra de votre four et de la taille de vos meringues). Vos meringues sont cuites quand elles se décollent facilement de votre papier sulfurisé.

6/ Régalez-vous !

Vous pouvez bien entendu ajouter des zestes d’oranges ou bien des arômes et colorants naturels.

Le petit plus gourmandise : tremper légèrement vos meringues dans le chocolat fondu et laisser sécher 🙂


Pour toujours avoir La Recette des Meringues Fondantes sous la main, épinglez-la à vos tableaux Pinterest 😉

Partagez vos photos avec #amoureusedunetarteaucitron pour que je puisse voir vos réalisations 😉


La vie est trop courte, commencer par le dessert !

